Service & Support Administration supports individuals in identifying and pursuing life goals while coordinating services across multiple systems. A Service & Support Administrator (SSA) is the primary point of coordination and will empower individuals through the person-centered planning process. 


To receive services from the Gallia County Board of Developmental Disabilities (GCBDD), individuals must reside in Gallia County, Ohio, and meet the criteria established by the Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities.

Definition of Developmental Disability:
A severe, chronic disability caused by mental or physical impairments (or both) other than mental illness. It manifests before age 22 and is expected to continue indefinitely.

Ages 3 - 5

Eligibility is based on ONE of the following:

  • Proof of delays in two areas: cognitive, physical, sensory, communication, social/emotional, or adaptive development.

  • A diagnosed medical condition with a high probability of developmental delay.

  • Diagnosis of a developmental disability.

Ages 6 - 15

Diagnosis of a developmental disability by a qualified professional.

  • At least three functional limitations based on the COEDI assessment, covering: mobility, self-care, self-direction, independent living, learning, and receptive/expressive language.

Ages 16 - Adult

Diagnosis of a developmental disability by a qualified professional.

  • At least three functional limitations based on the OEDI assessment, covering: mobility, self-care, self-direction, independent living, learning, economic self-sufficiency, and receptive/expressive language.